Shutong (Tony) Zhang
Hello! I am a first-year MSCS student from Stanford University, specializing in Visual Computing Track.
Previously, I received my Bachelor of Applied Science in Computer Engineering from the University of Toronto.
I'm interested in Computer Vision, Robotics, and Software Engineering. On the Vision and Robotics
I wish to integrate visual perceptions into physically plausible actions to bridge the
gap between perception
and planning, and enable robots to perform complex tasks with strong generalization in the 3D
world. On the Software
Engineering side, I wish to contribute to collaboration beyond individuals.
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[2024.9] My first-author paper on SE&UX Collaboration got accepted by CSCW 2025!
[2024.4] I will join Stanford University as a Master's student in Computer Science!
[2024.1] My first-author paper HandyPriors got accepted by ICRA 2024!
Stanford University, CA, United States
Master of Science in Computer Science
2024 - 2026
University of Toronto, ON, Canada
Bachelor of Applied Science
2019 - 2024
Major in Computer Engineering, minor in Artificial Intelligence
CGPA: 3.94/4.0
Sun Off, Lights On: Photorealistic Monocular Nighttime Simulation for Robust Semantic Perception
Konstantinos Tzevelekakis,
Shutong Zhang,
Luc Van Gool,
Christos Sakaridis
Accepted by the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2025
Nighttime scenes are hard to semantically perceive with
learned models and annotate for humans. Thus, realistic synthetic nighttime
data become all the more important for learning robust semantic perception at
night, thanks to their accurate and cheap semantic annotations. However,
existing data-driven or hand-crafted techniques for generating nighttime images
from daytime counterparts suffer from poor realism. The reason is the complex
interaction of highly spatially varying nighttime illumination, which differs
drastically from its daytime counterpart, with objects of spatially varying
materials in the scene, happening in 3D and being very hard to capture with
such 2D approaches. The above 3D interaction and illumination shift have
proven equally hard to \emph{model} in the literature, as opposed to other
conditions such as fog or rain. Our method, named Sun Off, Lights On (SOLO),
is the first to perform nighttime simulation on single images in a photorealistic
fashion by operating in 3D. It first explicitly estimates the 3D geometry, the
materials and the locations of light sources of the scene from the input daytime
image and relights the scene by probabilistically instantiating light sources in
a way that accounts for their semantics and then running standard ray tracing.
Not only is the visual quality and photorealism of our nighttime images superior
to competing approaches including diffusion models, but the former images are also
proven more beneficial for semantic nighttime segmentation in day-to-night adaptation.
Who to Blame: A Comprehensive Review of Challenges and Opportunities in
Designer-Developer Collaboration
Shutong Zhang,
Jinghui Cheng,
Shurui Zhou
Accepted by the ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing (CSCW), 2025
paper (coming soon...)
Software development relies on effective collaboration between Software
Development Engineers (SDEs)
and User eXperience Designers (UXDs) to create software products of high quality and usability.
While this
collaboration issue has been explored over the past decades, anecdotal evidence continues to
indicate the
existence of challenges in their collaborative efforts. To understand this gap, we first
conducted a systematic
literature review of 44 papers published since 2005, uncovering three key collaboration
challenges and two main
best practices. We then analyzed designer and developer forums and discussions on open-source
repositories to assess how the challenges and practices manifest in the status quo. Our findings
have broad
applicability for collaboration in software development, extending beyond the partnership
between SDEs and
UXDs. The suggested best practices and interventions also act as a reference for future
research, assisting in
the development of dedicated collaboration tools for SDEs and UXDs.
NPSim: Nighttime Photorealistic Simulation From Daytime Images With Monocular
Inverse Rendering and Ray Tracing
Shutong Zhang
Thesis at ETH Zurich Computer Vision Lab
Semantic segmentation is an important task for autonomous driving. A
powerful autonomous driving system
should be capable of handling images under all conditions, including nighttime. Generating
accurate and diverse nighttime
semantic segmentation datasets is crucial for enhancing the performance of computer vision
algorithms in low-light conditions.
In this thesis, we introduce a novel approach named NPSim, which enables the simulation of
realistic nighttime images from real
daytime counterparts with monocular inverse rendering and ray tracing. NPSim comprises two key
components: mesh reconstruction
and relighting. The mesh reconstruction component generates an accurate representation of the
scene’s structure by combining
geometric information extracted from the input RGB image and semantic information from its
corresponding semantic labels. The
relighting component integrates real-world nighttime light sources and material characteristics
to simulate the complex interplay
of light and object surfaces under low-light conditions. The scope of this thesis mainly focuses
on the implementation and
evaluation of the mesh reconstruction component. Through experiments, we demonstrate the
effectiveness of the mesh reconstruction
component in producing high-quality scene meshes and their generality across different
autonomous driving datasets. We also
propose a detailed experiment plan for evaluating the entire pipeline, including both
quantitative metrics in training
state-of-the-art supervised and unsupervised semantic segmentation approaches and human
perceptual studies, aiming to indicate the
capability of our approach to generate realistic nighttime images and the value of our dataset
in steering future progress in the
field. NPSim not only has the ability to address the scarcity of nighttime datasets for semantic
segmentation, but it also has the
potential to improve the robustness and performance of vision algorithms under low-lighting
HandyPriors: Physically Consistent Perception of Hand-Object Interactions with
Differentiable Priors
Shutong Zhang*,
Yiling Qiao*,
Guanglei Zhu*,
Eric Heiden,
Dylan Turpin,
Jingzhou Liu,
Ming Lin,
Miles Macklin,
Animesh Garg
Accepted by Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop (CVPRW),
Accepted by IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2024
abstract /
paper /
project page
Various heuristic objectives for modeling hand-
object interaction have been proposed in past work. However,
due to the lack of a cohesive framework, these objectives
often possess a narrow scope of applicability and are limited
by their efficiency or accuracy. In this paper, we propose
HANDYPRIORS, a unified and general pipeline for human-
object interaction scenes by leveraging recent advances in
differentiable physics and rendering. Our approach employs
rendering priors to align with input images and segmenta-
tion masks along with physics priors to mitigate penetration
and relative-sliding across frames. Furthermore, we present
two alternatives for hand and object pose estimation. The
optimization-based pose estimation achieves higher accuracy,
while the filtering-based tracking, which utilizes the differen-
tiable priors as dynamics and observation models, executes
faster. We demonstrate that HANDYPRIORS attains comparable
or superior results in the pose estimation task, and that the
differentiable physics module can predict contact information
for pose refinement. We also show that our approach generalizes
to perception tasks, including robotic hand manipulation and
human-object pose estimation in the wild.
Fast-Grasp’D: Dexterous Multi-finger Grasp Generation Through Differentiable
Dylan Turpin,
Tao Zhong,
Shutong Zhang,
Guanglei Zhu,
Eric Heiden,
Miles Macklin,
Stavros Tsogkas,
Sven Dickinson,
Animesh Garg
Accepted by IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2023
project page
Multi-finger grasping relies on high quality training
data, which is hard to obtain: human data is hard to transfer
and synthetic data relies on simplifying assumptions that reduce
grasp quality. By making grasp simulation differentiable, and
contact dynamics amenable to gradient-based optimization,
we accelerate the search for high-quality grasps with fewer
limiting assumptions. We present Grasp’D-1M: a large-scale
dataset for multi-finger robotic grasping, synthesized with Fast-
Grasp’D, a novel differentiable grasping simulator. Grasp’D-
1M contains one million training examples for three robotic
hands (three, four and five-fingered), each with multimodal
visual inputs (RGB+depth+segmentation, available in mono and
stereo). Grasp synthesis with Fast-Grasp’D is 10x faster than
GraspIt! and 20x faster than the prior Grasp’D differentiable
simulator. Generated grasps are more stable and contact-rich
than GraspIt! grasps, regardless of the distance threshold used
for contact generation. We validate the usefulness of our dataset
by retraining an existing vision-based grasping pipeline
on Grasp’D-1M, and showing a dramatic increase in model
performance, predicting grasps with 30% more contact, a 33%
higher epsilon metric, and 35% lower simulated displacement.
ETH Zurich Computer Vision Lab , Switzerland
2023.4 - present
Research Intern
Supervisor: Prof.
Luc Van Gool and Dr. Christos
PAIR Lab and Vector Institute , Canada
2022.5 (project start date: 2022.8) - present
Research Intern
Supervisor: Prof. Animesh Garg, with
Prof. Ming C. Lin
Forcolab , Canada
2022.4 (project start date: 2022.5) - 2023.9
Research Intern
Supervisor: Prof. Shurui
Zhou, with Prof. Jinghui Cheng
Intel Corporation , Canada
2022.5 - 2023.4
Engineering Intern
Quality and Execution Team: Project Manager and Software Engineer
Customer Happiness and User Experience Team: Front-End Developer
Core Datapath Team: Compiler Engineer
University of Toronto , Canada
2021.9 - 2023.4
Teaching Assistant
ECE253 Digital and Computer Systems - Fall 2021, Fall 2022
ECE243 Computer Organization - Winter 2022, Winter 2023
Supervisor: Prof. Natalie Enright Jerger, Prof. Jonathan Rose
International Experience Award ($3000). May 2023
University of Toronto Summer Research Exchange Fellowship
($3000). Dec 2022
Edith Grace Buchan Undergraduate Research Fellowship
($5400). Apr 2022
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Top
Student Award. Oct 2021
University of Toronto In Course Scholarship ($1500). Aug
University of Toronto Scholar. Aug 2021
University of Toronto Summer Research Fellowship ($5000).
May 2021
Deans Honor List. 2019 -- 2022
Faculty Of Applied Science & Engineering Admission
Scholarship ($5000). Sep 2019
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